
野田すみれ 渋野日向子や勝みなみと切磋琢磨した 「黄金世代」のゴルファーが初ランジェリー 2021

Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time004
ゴルフで日々トレーニング に励んでいる私ですが、撮影 では慣れないポーズをするの でめっちゃ足が攣りました (笑い)。特に腰が痛くて、全 身が筋肉痛。「グラビアで使 う筋肉ってゴルフとは違うん だ」と実感しましたね。 私は3歳からゴルフを始 め、ジュニア時代は世界ジュ ニアの日本代表に3年連続で 選ばれたり、国内外の大会で 優勝も経験し着実に実績を積 んできました。でも小さい頃 から試合でいつも顔を合わせ ていたシブコ(渋野日向子) や勝みなみちゃんなど「黄金 世代」の活躍を見ていて、そ こに自分が加わっていない悔 しさはあります。グラビアを 始めたのは、同世代のみんな を見返したい気持ちもありま した。グラビアで培ったもの をゴルフにも活かしてこれか らも二刀流で頑張ります!

Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time003Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time009Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time006Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time011Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time007Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time005Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time008Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time010Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time002Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time001Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time018Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time019Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time013Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time016Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time014Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time017Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time012Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time020Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time021Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time024Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time023Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time022Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time028Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time029Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time031Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time025Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time030Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time027Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time026Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time032Sumire Noda Shibu golfer of the golden generationwears lingerie for the first time033