
与田祐希 乃木坂46の天然美少女がのんびり過ごした。夏の一日 2021

Yuki Yoda the natural beauty of Nogizaka46 spent a relaxing A day in summer002
アイドルとしての活躍のほか、映画・ドラマ・舞台にも出演する21歳の与田祐希。 軽やかに新しいフィールドへと踏み出していく、 エネルギーを秘めた自然体の素顔を切り取りました

Yuki Yoda the natural beauty of Nogizaka46 spent a relaxing A day in summer

Yuki Yoda the natural beauty of Nogizaka46 spent a relaxing A day in summer002Yuki Yoda the natural beauty of Nogizaka46 spent a relaxing A day in summer005Yuki Yoda the natural beauty of Nogizaka46 spent a relaxing A day in summer009Yuki Yoda the natural beauty of Nogizaka46 spent a relaxing A day in summer003Yuki Yoda the natural beauty of Nogizaka46 spent a relaxing A day in summer004Yuki Yoda the natural beauty of Nogizaka46 spent a relaxing A day in summer006Yuki Yoda the natural beauty of Nogizaka46 spent a relaxing A day in summer007Yuki Yoda the natural beauty of Nogizaka46 spent a relaxing A day in summer008