
紗綾 水着ビキニグラビア「30枚」 極上ボディをご覧あれ 2020

ローティーンの頃からグラビアを飾っ てきた“奇跡”のルック。ファンと共に
 歩んできた15年を締めくくる解放感あ るスマイル&ボディ。最新トレカより、 極上SHOTをご堪能アレ!!
トレーディングカード『紗綾Vol.9』(発売中/ヒッツ) 撮影:LUC
profile さあや1993年11月15日生まれ、福岡県出身。A型。151 北九州市特命観光大使。2020年2月にデビュー15周年を迎え、タレント、女優として活躍中。 雑誌「週刊プレイボーイ』『FRIDAY」にて史上最年少表紙記録。 2015年、写真集『紗綾』が第47回講談社出版文化賞写真賞を受賞。 Twitter:@SaayaOfficial Instaglam: saaya_official_ TikTok: saaya_official

This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikini001This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikini002
This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi001This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi002This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi003This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi004This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi005This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi006This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi007This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi008This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi009This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi010This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi011This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi012This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi013This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi014This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi015This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi016This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi017This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi018This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi019This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi020This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi021This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi022This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi023This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi024This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi025This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi026This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi027This is the first time Ive ever seen a woman in a swimsuit bikin hi028

